New Officers for 2023

The CCBA elected new officers for the 2023 year at our January meeting. We are excited to welcome as club officers: President: Chris Banks Vice President: Heather Banks Secretary: Jennifer Wilmoth Treasurer: Ron Saxton Thank you to our outgoing officers and for all of...

January 2023 Meeting

January 14th, 2023  Vote for 2023 Officers Treasurer Update Don’t forget! Please renew your membership for 2023 online              Website renewal: Discussion with Anthony Vargas about updates from TBA Local Area...

Cheatham County Fair

Come visit our Fair Booth during the Cheatham County Fair! Dates: August 16th-August 20th Time: 5pm-9pm Look for us in the fair pavilion. We’ll be hosting a table with Cheatham County Beekeeper Volunteers. Come say hi and find out more about becoming a...

Member Pic – Emerging Drone

Thank you Eric and Jennifer Wilmoth for this beautiful photo of a drone emerging from it’s cell! A drone is a male honeybee. They do not have stingers and do not do any work in the colony. Their purpose in life is to mate with a queen but only a few will be...

Member Pic – Queen

Thank you Chris Lockert for taking this beautiful photo of one of her queen bees! Isn’t she amazing! The queen bee is the most important member of the hive! She is normally much longer than the worker bees. She rarely stings except if she encounters other queen bees...

Register your Colonies

The Apiary Act of 1995 includes a section on registration of apiaries. In the Apiary Act, new apiaries are required to be registered with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. These apiaries are required to be re-registered every 3 years. The list of registered...

Swarm Scouts…the most experienced bees in the hive!

This article was originally posted by Betterbee. Photo of bees flying near a swarm courtesy of Beekeeping Like a Girl blog You walk into your bathroom one afternoon and hear an unfamiliar buzzing noise. Is it the fluorescent lighting fixture? Is there a fly in the...

House Bees

What a crazy time spring is for beekeepers, eh? I think “this spring is the wildest spring” each spring. For the entire 2 springs I’ve kept bees.  Besides figuring out when exactly is the best time to remove a bee quilt, when to add pollen patties,...

The TBA featured our club!

The Cheatham County Beekeepers Association got their 5 minutes of fame this month!The Tennessee Bee Association posted a photo of some of our members in their June newsletter, “The Hive Tool”.This photo was taken last year when members of our club got...